Sign Shaker: Photo-Based Magic 8 Ball iPhone App

Feature photo by Gene Hunt

Associate Editor Michelle Schusterman reviews a Sign Shaker app for iPhones.

The Magic 8 Ball a single of a many consistently desired toys of my childhood. The fondle to turn to when lifes many important decisions had to be made, many vital questions answered, many sparkling vanquish identities revealed.

To be honest, when we initial schooled about a iPhones shake up feature, a Magic 8 possibilities were some of a initial game ideas that came to mind. Sign Shaker, an app designed by Doug Lansky, puts a rather different turn upon a old concept.

Theres no Yes, Definitely! or Dont Count On Its here. Instead, your answer comes asa sign. Not a single from a heavens we mean, similar to a highway sign. Or a lavatory sign. Or any a single of a randomly generated signs from Signspotting.

Its a fun concept, although of course, a answers often have no sense, mostly since a instinct is to ask Yes or No questions. Asking if we would have fun at a unison Im going to tonight as well as getting a highway pointer for Promised Land with a CLOSED ensign taped across it was rather disconcerting. (The a single that pronounced Dont Pass Urine, however, was transparent avoid a clubs lavatory tonight. Done.)

As distant as design, a app is easy to use. Open, think of a question, as well as shake. The app says Thinking whilst we shake, then produces a picture, with a option to try again.

Some of a photos have been really waggish my a one preferred so distant being If a Door Does Not Open, Do Not Enter. Worth a $0.99? Sure, if a child in we wants to relive those Magic 8 days.


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