The meditative power of balancing rocks [PICS]
Michael Grab is a veteran at doing the impossible. [Editor's note: After first posting about Gravity Glue here , I was so inspired by the video that I headed out to a creek days later and tried rock balancing myself. It's strangely addictive and very internal. Everything else becomes still and the focus is intense. When I'd snap out of it, I had the same feeling I get after a session of yoga or meditation. I recommend the next time you find yourself with the opportunity, to take advantage. - Carlo] I BALANCE ROCKS for a number of reasons. My initial attraction was the good feeling it gave me; the meditative aspect is relaxing. That is the fundamental basis for my continued practice. As I did it more, I noticed that small crowds would start gathering to watch. There is a mutual creation that begins once people are watching. What I do next is often influenced by spectators. Its almost as if they feed off the energy surrounding the gardens, but simultaneously my creative flow...