Plastic Fantastic: Insane Ways to Use Empty Plastic Bottles

Dying for the drink

Photo used with accede of Luke-rative. Sculpture by Phil Hall.

Eva Sandoval shows us innovative ways people around the universe have been regulating dull cosmetic bottles, along with dual easier crafts projects which anyone can do.

Like soppy mogwai, dull cosmetic beverage bottles appear to multiply overnight. If youre endangered about their stroke upon the environment, or only too quiescent to take them to the recycling bin, there have been lots of ways to repurpose dull cosmetic bottles.

Crafts projects

Go beyond bird feeders as good as funnels here have been dual upcycled crafts which dont scream Day Camp.

Ace of Vase (from wikiHow)
Funky, unbreakable as good as surprisingly pretty, this vase plan is preferred for soft drink bottles with tasteful hourglass shapes, though many kinds of cosmetic bottle will do.

How to have the cosmetic vase

Folding the strips. Photo by author.

  • Slice off the top apportionment of the bottle, creation the cut about 3 inches upon top of where you want the vases fluted edge to be.
  • Pointing the blades downward, cut the series of straight, even strips all the approach around the bottle. Strips should be about 8mm wide; do not cut strips too thin or they will be formidable to weave. Tip: to safeguard which cuts have been even cut segments in half, then cut those segments in half as well.
  • Press as good as bend the cosmetic strips external to have an even edge around the edge of the bottle these will become your vases fluted rim. To safeguard the strips flatten properly, spin the bottle upside down as good as press it upon the flat aspect so the strips scrub outward.
  • Fold the tip of the frame over the next one! , double it sharply, as good as tuck it underneath the next two.
  • Fold as good as double the next the single the same way, though wobble it over dual as good as underneath one. For the third strip, fold it the same approach as the first. Over one, underneath two. Over two, underneath one. Repeat.
  • Continue the weaving settlement all the approach around the bottle until all strips have been folded as good as tucked under.
  • Say it With Plastic Flowers (from

    Plastic flowers

    Photo by author.

    This idea is so 70s fabulous as good as simple, youll wonder why you never thought of it yourself. Collect bottles with undulating, flower-like bases, then slice the bottoms off. With enough of these, the possibilities have been endless.

    • Paint or line them with fabric, prohibited glue them to twigs, as good as set them inside the pretty (plastic bottle?) vase.
    • Cover the canvas with them as good as hang it upon the wall.
    • Punch holes in the center as good as string them together to have remoteness curtains.

    Some folks have taken cosmetic bottle DIY to total new levels of awesome. Check these projects out.

    Eco-Fantasy Island

    In 1998, British eco-pioneer Richard Rishi Sowa combined his own private island by layering plywood, bamboo, as good as silt over giant nets filled with dull cosmetic bottles. Sowas Spiral Island featured the nest of cooling mangroves, 3 beaches, the solar oven as good as even the two-storey house with composting toilet.

    Spiral Island II

    Spiral Island II. Used with accede of Spiralislanders.

    Spiral Island floated peacefully off the coast south of Cancn until it was destroyed by Hurricane Emily in 2005.

    Three year! s as goo d as about 100,000 bottles later, Spiral Island II was non-stop to visitors. It measures about 60 feet in diameter as good as is home to beaches, dual ponds, the solar-powered waterfall, the house as good as the solar panel.

    Knight in See-Through Armor

    Designer Kosuke Tsumura fashioned the frugal-chic fit of panzer division by rupturing up PET cosmetic bottles as good as sewing them together with transparent nylon thread. Free-thinking, fashion, as good as function in the single though substantially not most insurance opposite fire-breathing dragons.

    Lamp made from Coca-Cola bottles

    Cola 10 lamp. Used with accede of Sarah Turner.

    PET There Be Light

    Lighting designers have been taking your downscale rejects as good as branch them in to upscale home decor. UK-based engineer Sarah Turner creates complicated light fixtures out of 2-liter, Oasis as good as Coca-Cola bottles. Her regular-sized Cola 10 Lamp goes for 240.


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