Villa 20 Residents Protest in Parque Indoamericano, Buenos Aires

A flyer outward the office building reads: Inter-neighborhood meeting: This is to inform you which today, Dec. 9, were job the assembly about the receiving of Parque Indoamericano. Your participation is indispensable in invulnerability of the open space during Plaza Calabria during Escalada as well as Castaares. Photo: Kate Sedgwick

Less than 2 blocks from where you live, there is the days-long aroused protest.

Displaced residents of Villa twenty who were forced from their homes took over Parque Indoamericano upon Tuesday. Villa twenty is the slum built by the residents (some 21,000 of them as of 2007, according to the supervision document) who technically have no legal right to be there. They are fundamentally squatters who set up their own homes, as well as the villas are cities unto themselves, often full of immigrants from poorer nations like Bolivia, Paraguay as well as Peru.

Following an proclamation by Buenos Aires mayor, Mauricio Macri which residents would be compulsory to show deeds to their property or be evicted, most residents of Villa twenty decided to take up the play ground in protest.

Two were shot as well as killed, most say by the military who were sent to chuck them out of Villa twenty Tuesday. According to Pagina/12, Police say the most injured (including the baby) as well as the two which were killed were all shot by tiny size bullets [as if which proves anything about who the shooters were, if it is indeed the truth]. A military source additionally says military additionally sustained injuries from tiny size bullets.

According to Diario Registrado, Cristian Fernandez, neighborhood personality of the Villa 20, said it was heartless as well as unnecessary repression because you were negotiating as well as were starting to leave peacefully if the military showed the eviction sequence they said they had.

Neighbors are really upset. My beloved ! Seba wen t to the assembly during 7:00 tonight, but said there was zero starting upon in reserve from the signing of the apply to to shift the judge who systematic which the protesters be given toilets, food as well as water. Residents of the circuitously (legal) apartments are looking to have the case transferred to another judge since the occupation of the open park, fires, as well as assault are seen as the threatening intrusion in the neighborhood already glutted with villas.

We heard sharpened from the unit earlier.

Right after night fell, you looked by the fence to the play ground as well as saw fires burning. Seba said he could see people still throwing rocks. Residents are protesting the protesters.

Clarn reports there are more than 250 family groups in the park. You can see photos of the early partial of the criticism as well as construction of the tents by following which link.

Sebas mom only called as well as says neighbors from the other side of the maian road (Escalada) have stopped traffic upon the main road which leads to the airport. We heard the sirens as well as honking from here.

Later, the cacophony of horns, leftover vuvuzelas, air horns, spoons as well as pots as well as pans erupted in criticism via the towers where you live. Listen below:

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