Stories From the Matador Community

Photo by Markus Rdder

Today, wed like to share with you the few transport stories from the really own Matadorians.
1. Working as the British Journalist in Ghana

..Incidentally, people lift all upon their heads. It isnt usually the street sellers as well as the some-more farming country dwellers, it is literally everybody as well as everything. In Accra you will see commercial operation group as well as women carrying handbags as well as briefcases upon their heads as well as women running down the road with outrageous bags of H2O usually balancing (water is sold in bag form) though dropping the single one.

To get H2O to the residence you have to lift this enormous sack of 500 ml sachets which collectively contains about 10 litres. It is utterly far to transport with this amount of weight in your arms so the single day you attempted to go for the head tactic as well as ended up pretty most paralysed (much to the amusement of the Ghanaian onlookers).

A friend of mine who did the placement at the internal hospital told me how he had seen the studious fraudulent up to an I.V drip as well as instead of carrying the bag upon the single of those trolleys which you circle around, she carried it upon her head! Ingenious.

Read some-more from part of Lorna North.

2. Riding the Bus in Bratislava

Cheap flightstheyll be the death of me. you suppose you have to thank Ryanair. They unequivocally know how to reel in the students. Our open mangle was coming to an end, as well as you needed the way behind to Sevilla from Vienna. Most flights were so costly it wasnt even value meditative about it. Taking trains would be twice as well as costly as well as take three times as long. Then you discovered which Ryanair had the flight from Bratislava to Bergamo, Italy. Bratislava was usually an hour or so by train from Vienna, so it was perfect. We would take the poor trai! n in to the Slovak Republic, get to see another city as well as country, afterwards fly divided upon the way home. So you thought.

Read some-more from part of jgbrandt.

3. Some Notable Beliefs in South Korea

This the single sounds done up, though the the mother of them all. If you leave your fan on, it will siphon all the oxygen out of the room as well as you will die. This is not civic legend, it is in the news, certified by scientists, as well as even highly prepared people have been convinced the true. Fans here have been done with timers so they can close off automatically as well as thus save your life.

Read some-more from part of Ahi.

4. Another Chinese Wedding

The protocol continues, with the door peeking open, some-more hands waving, grabbing, closing, squealing until finally the husband raps with extra intensity as well as someone inside yells, Why do you wish to come in? And the groom, assumingly with good embarrasment though pride, was forced to say, Because you adore her.

The door flung open, as well as everybody went charging in to the really tiny road house room. The bride is wearing the sleeveless white wedding robe (quite beautiful, in fact) as well as red roses in her hair. Shes sitting upon the white stand in bed with her legs tucked under her. you couldnt assistance though think of the scene in The Great Gatsby when Daisy, ready to go in white, seems to be floating upon the white sofa.

Read some-more from part of KateMonster.

5. Mohammed as well as the Imaginary Fisherman

Calling to Mohammed, you ask him if hes seen the boat since seeing the boat is large headlines here in the stay where not most happens. He tells me he hasnt so you transport the short distance to the beach and, stretching my arm in the direction, you show him this vessel whose purpose you have deliberate so most in the prior days. From the silhouette, you conclude it is the dhow as well as you Imagine the organisation is operative tough catching thousands of fish with prol! onged po les for the lunch tomorrow.

Read some-more from part of Jusstruss.

Community Connection:

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