Whats In Your Backpack, Alex Jouve, TV Producer?

Alex Jouve

Photos pleasantness of Alex Jouve.

Between operative upon globetrotting shows as good as wanderlust-inducing array for a History Channel, Discovery Channel, as good as Travel Channel, TV writer Alex Jouve gives Matador a look into his backpack.

On a array of occasions, generally upon a 130 grade day underneath a Egyptian sun, Ive been asked by associate organisation members because we always have my bulky trek stuck to me as good as what could presumably in there.

Well, a little of a items usually in there include

Panasonic HSC1UP

Purchased in 2008, this HD camera is maybe a smallest 3CCD camera out there. Tiny as good as good design quality for a camera that size.

With an audio input to block in a wireless microphone, youre fast up as good as running to shoot any kind of eccentric project.

Zoom H4 Field Recorder

Purchased as an afterthought upon a letter of reference of a friend, this device is good for back up audio, but preferred for recording any live song as good as capturing internal flavor to emanate a soundtrack for any eccentric documentary project.

I lent it to a friend headed to Cuba once as good as prolonged story short, Im right away helping foster an pretender Cuban song record label of a little super talented musicians from Viales in a Pinar del Rio province.

Contour HD Helmet Cam

This camera literally goes anywhere as good as always gets we a little additional shots we can never get with any other camera. Amazing little toy that shoots full HD as good as also provides for a little fun at a back of a scenes moments upon a prolonged day.


I used to be a unapproachable Personal Computer owner, but when my final a single mysteriously died upon me as good as we indispensable something brand new to start editing a personal documentary project, we went Mac as good as have ! never lo oked back.

The 4 GB of RAM are a good underline to be means to revise video as good as multi-task similar to crazy. If we had finished all a work from a final year upon a PC, we would substantially be upon my 3rd a single by now.

An violent volume of receipts

Working upon a accumulation of array for a History Channel, a Discovery Channel as good as a Travel Channel, we am always roving as good as managing a budget as good as losses of an international radio prolongation crew.

After a month upon a road in 5 countries, it starts adding up. The fun partial is always trying to figure out what a tiny crumpled up receipt in Greek or Russian is for a month later. Where were we as good as what were we you do that day again?

Aspirin, Tums as good as Toilet Paper

You can never let a hangover upon your down day or a little super tasty sharp food ruin a good outing or shoot that brings me to a final object [toilet paper], that is just stupid to not have handy wherever we go, as good as a little palm sanitizer too come to consider of it.

More upon Alex Jouve

Alex Jouve

Alex is a freelance TV writer operative in documentary television, many recently with a History Channel as good as a Discovery Channel upon array such as Digging For The Truth, Treasure Quest as good as Solving History with Olly Steeds.

He has shot upon 4 continents in over thirteen countries in a final 4 years.

Recently he has also been operative a personal documentary plan as good as trying his palm at a song commercial operation by helping foster Valle Son a super talented normal son as good as classical salsa band from Cuba.


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