Photo Essay: Miners Rescued in Chile

Rolly a Clown helped me join a float to a mine.

If we were going to do this by a numbers, Id have to start with three hitched rides, a single jester kissed, 15 confessions which Im from a United States, as well as large generous people who have been kind to a foreign caucasian tribe in need of a hand.

I found myself in La Serena, Chile yesterday, less than 5 hours from a site of a rescue. As we proposed meditative about my proximity to Big News, we found myself incompetent to conflict a jaunt up here. Circumstances cooperated. The lady in a boarding residence where we was staying has a sister here who was able to find me a room in a locale glutted by press from all over a world.

This sunrise we was in a strange town, wandering around asking how to get to a mine. we hitched a float with a official jester as well as was given another integrate lifts to locale as well as back by some friendly TV hire workers. we took more pictures than we can count as well as Im not finished yet. But people have been good. Thats something we dont think about sometimes. And Im thankful for as well as shamed by a possibility to be here, to see everyone hoping for a most appropriate as well as giving a palm to any one else who is, too.

As we can see, its a madhouse up here.

Altars for a safe return of family members have been all over a place.

Saints as well as flags in a bright sun with personal messages have used in a long weeks since a accident.


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