Photo Essay: Portraits of a Slum
These photos have been partial of a documentary project for Child Reach UK as well as will be used for marketing as well as fundraising projects in India as well as a UK. Assistance comes in a form of education as well as advocacy.
Despite a hideous vital conditions, a majority of a young kids in these areas seem to be surprisingly full of life.
1.Recess time in a Playground. The Centre for Development, with a aid of Childreach International provides appropriation as well as access to advocacy as well as education in a slums.
2.The Kite Runner. A young boy takes time to fly a kite while his classmates study in close quarters below.
3.(left) Children in a slums face clearly insurmountable conditions. (right) With no television, playstation or computer handy, young kids in a slums turn masters of improvisation.
4.Enrolled in class, small Riddhi is already beating a odds. We met her upon a approach to classholding her inscription similar to a shield.
5.A child laborer hand rolls scent sticks.
6.The Glass peddlers. Young you! ng kids work long hours hauling scraps near a boat violation yards outward of Bhavnagar, Gujurat.
7.Children as young as six work hauling bags of plaster near a boat yards. With crime abundant in a rural areas, child labor laws have been difficult to enforce.
8.Home Sweet Home.
9.Amongst horrible filth as well as a ever present danger of hopelessness, conviction abounds.
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